What happens when your heart is racing, your fingertips are shaking, but your eyelids are heavy and your heart heaves slowly up and down?
What happens when your insides are quivering, your abdomen is tightening, but you ate so much cookie dough out of the cookie dough ice cream that your middle is uncomfortably full and heavy?
Is it unhealthy...? Should I be doing something to end it? I'm tired of the suspension, the constant feeling of anticipation like at any given second I could leap up and GO but then I think....where could I go what could I possibly do? And my sleepy brain protests because it is suffering from an internal neurotic war: furrowed, tense forebrain and a panicking amygdala struggle to hold down my out-of-control medulla...what a mess. It's a scene, it's a scene, it's a scene behind these white walls.
In other news, I have mixed feelings about The Onion. Aren't there enough REAL stories to process already? Do we really need to throw in a slew of completely false ones to mull over, searching for some satiric intelligence? I admit, I do giggle a tiny bit once in awhile for a reason I have not yet been able to explicate. But still..I dislike reading an article someone sends me and having to first consider whether or not it is worth my time or was just pulled out of some Columbia graduate's ass.
Oh yeah, and I went to New York!
*Note: the use of the term "burnout" on this blog is not in reference to the well-known popular culture moniker associated with heavy metal, leather, and the 1980s but rather the psychological term popularized by Dr. Herbert Freudenberger (don't laugh. whether it is in a witty, dry way or an immature way, I won't tolerate it) in 1974 and included in the ICD-10 but not currently recognized in the DSM.
AHHHHHH your picture is awesome!!!! Have you had SB yet?! If so, how was Honduras?!! I really hope to see you this summer so we can catch up :)