Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Nanny

My second day of nannying is not going by as quickly as the first did. 5 hours might not seem like a long workday for some of you full-care child sitters out there, but to spend all of them in the living room with the mother coming up and down the stairs, keeping tabs on your every move, is not the most stress-free way to babysit. Lauren and I retreated to my house to play with my puppy and [in my case] get some much-needed music and writing in. I've realized that my little sister's room is to Lauren a treasure trove of undiscovered delights that keep her occupied and me at minimum exertion. Yay!
The Flaming Lips, James Taylor, and Paolo Nutini are keeping me company while Lauren plays with Allison's play-doh, tries to keep my dog out of the room, and asks me a million questions, the majority of them being, "why?"

It's my fifth day of being home alone. I rather enjoy it. The best part? Getting to play Rachmaninov as loudly as I want at 1am!