Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I've learned two things this summer:

1. I do not work well with money-driven franchise restaurant owners. Making money is not my sole reason for doing anything, which is why I will not go into business, finance, or certain types of entrepreneurship. I've thought these industries over, of course, but I've recently realized that they all revolve and function simply for the purpose of making money for themselves. I'm not anti-capitalism in the least, but I don't want a money culture to interfere with my life any more than it absolutely needs to. There are so many more important things in the world, such as feeding it, understanding and accepting its people, and making it a safer place.

2. I will never nanny for people who work from home and/or micromanage EVER AGAIN!!!

That said, I'm wicked excited to move back to New Orleans next Tuesday.